
Our first priority

The MJAllen Group operates five different businesses from five different sites across two different counties. We employ over 250 people, manage a fleet of 20 delivery vehicles and operate over 100 different manufacturing stations ranging from large-scale CNC machining and furnace blasting to precision one-off welding and component testing.

Across every aspect of our business the single most important thing to us is the safety of our staff, our visitors and our customers.

We operate a TargetZero approach to safety and will only accept that our high standards are being met when there are zero recorded accidents, zero recorded incidents and zero recorded injuries across all departments for every company in the Group.

MJAllen Target Zero

We want everyone involved with our business to be healthy and safe at the end of each day, and are striving to achieve zero accidents and zero harm to colleagues, customers, suppliers and contractors.

We are professionally certified and audited to ensure the highest standards for our employees and everyone who comes into contact with our business. We undertake more Environment, Safety and Prevention of Risks audits than ever before, and report regular improvements every year.

Safety certifications

We are accredited across numerous ISO and UKAS schemes for a range of policies and safety management systems.

Our safety policy aims

  • Providing safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health, also providing a framework for the setting of OH&S objectives.

  • Designing and providing a safe and secure work environment and continual improvement in all aspects.

  • Conformity to compliance obligations.

  • Prevention of accidents and work-related ill health by managing health and safety risks in the workplace.

  • Provide clear instructions, information and adequate training to ensure worker competence.

  • Engage and consult with workers on day-to-day health and safety conditions, including mental health awareness.

  • Implement emergency procedures in case of fire or other significant incidents.

  • Maintain safe and healthy working conditions, provide and maintain plant, equipment and machinery, ensure safe storage and use of substances.